try making 8th notes with the same stem direction you`ll see what i mean

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:49 PM, Jonathan Kulp <>wrote:

> Ezequiel Sierra wrote:
>> how can i make one steam for two voices when they are in the same
>> direction?
> I hope I understand your question correctly.  You could either use chords
> in one voice and skips in the other, or you could explicitly set \voiceOne
> or \voiceTwo or \oneVoice in both voices.  You will get warnings about
> clashing note columns if you do this, hence the "ignore-collision" override.
>  I made an example where I use chords in the first bar and then separate
>  voices in the second bar, and I can't see any difference in the output.
>  Hope that helps :)
> Jon
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.12.2"
> \relative c' {
>  <<
>    \override Staff.NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
>    { \voiceOne <c e> <d f> <e g> <d f> | c d e d }
>    \\
>    { \voiceOne s1 | e4 f g f }
>  >>
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> --
> Jonathan Kulp
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