> It says that each can "Retrieve a stencil", which strikes me as
> useful. I was actually looking for a scheme-way of accessing
> stencils, but the function description is bewildering to me.
Well, improvements are welcome :-)

> Can I somehow use it like this...
> \once \override NoteHead #'stencil = #(ly:get-glyph font index)
> ?
> Is font a string, symbol, or an actual font?
> Is index a number? How do I know what number 
> a particular glyph is? How does this work???
> None of these seemed to work (don't laugh, but
> I'm seriously stabbing in the dark here):

> (ly:font-get-glyph 'Emmentaler '"Half notehead")

You can't directly access the font name, it seems.  Look at the
definition of the `musicglyph' markup command in
define-markup-commands.scm which uses ly:paper-get-font to get a font
handle for ly:font-get-glyph.

I assume the same is true for ly:get-glyph -- there is no example code
in lilypond which uses this function (which is, admittedly, not very
useful in general).


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