Tom Hall wrote Monday, January 12, 2009 9:45 PM

Nick Payne <nick.payne <at>> writes:

Why not move the beam instead.

A few choices:

\version "2.12.1"

\new Staff  \relative c'' {
\time 3/8
d,4 ~ \once\override Beam #'damping = #+inf.0 d32 ees'16. |
d,4 ~ \once\override Beam #'positions = #'(5.5 . 6.5) d32 ees'16. |
d,4 ~ \stemDown d32 ees'16. |

Thanks for your reply Nick. The second solution was where I got to before posting, and though the third is tempting because simple, it goes against my strict self-enforced stem direction policy.

I think the e-flat shifting to the right is what _should_ happen since horizontal spacing is always less strict than, say, stem legnths?

So I'd be interested to know how to do a horizontal shift, or isn't that a trivial matter?

This is the same as issue 76, but in this case
a fix is fairly easy and looks OK.

You'll find the answer in section 5.4.5 of the Notation Reference. This explains how to lengthen
a beam, effectively moving the e-flat to the right.

Look for

\once \override Beam #'minimum-length = #5  % or whatever you want
\once \override Beam #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods


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