Dear Neil,
thanks for Your answer. I think the problem should be solved. Off
course one can add manually  the "!" to the notes, but it would be
better, to get this automatically. The dodecaphonic style isn't a good
solution, in my opinion, because You get to many naturals, even for
those notes, where it is obvious.

2009/1/10 Neil Puttock <>:
> Hi Stefan,
> 2009/1/10 Stefan Thomas <>:
>> Dear lilypond-users,
>> I have question about the accidentals in the "neo-modern-style". In my
>> opinion, it should also add extra-naturals, if you have chords with
>> cis and c' together. Unfortunately it does not do this, as the below
>> quoted snippet shows.
> See the `Known issues and warnings' at the bottom of this page:
>> How this can be changed?
> Either use a different style, like Jon suggests, or manually force the
> accidental using ! or ?.
> Regards,
> Neil

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