Mark Polesky wrote:
> Mark Polesky wrote:
>> Here's my completed snippet. 

3 issues.

1. I have some problem with your snippet and LyX, and only with your
snippet, not with other Lilypond files. I can't do a good diagnostic right
now because LyX behaviour is pretty strange and puzzling with your snippet.
Next time I'll add some details.

2. In common LyX document work-view, b&W images are displayed on the pale
pink colour of the plain document canvas, as normal text. Actually, the
white of a Lilypond image (as a pdf file, I guess) is transparent, so the
preview in LyX shows black on pale pink. But in this manner it shows your
\tear tweaks, which are in white. I'll add an image in next message. This
means that if I put your image above a coloured canvas, it will show the
tear with those little white blocks. This of course is not nice if we want
to print music on a image (well, this is quite uncommon to happen) but above
all it's not "clean" and could generate some unknown problems. I saw many
lilypond files in the LyX viewer (many of them with dozens of graphical
tweaks) and none of them showed this "white". Can you try to DELETE black,
rather than PAINT white? Could this be connected with Issue #1?

3. I tried to use your \tear in some double staff although I knew it wasn't
designed for it. It's behaviour is quite strange and iI had to add some "s4"
pause to have the \tear properly displayed, but this caused too much
unfilled staff, which is not so nice... We're waiting for next TWEAK!

Anyway, still an excellent job, and thank you very much.


Piero Faustini, PhD student
Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche
Sezione musicologia
Università di Ferrara 

Software used:
- LyX 1.6.1 on WinXP; EndNote & JabRef
- MikTex
- LaTeX class: Koma book
- Lilypond and MusixTeX for example excerpts
- BibLaTeX for bibliographies 

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