Mark Polesky wrote:
> This should be closer to what you want, but I need to emphasize that
> it's not finished yet. It *is* possible to randomize the staff-line
> tear-lengths; 

That's GREAT!!! Exactly what I need!!!
The randomization is not important, it's just that when we have many staves
with the exact same "broken" end, it's not so elegant, but I repeat it: this
is a small detail.
Nicer would be to obtain the same thing in the left side, but this, as you
can imagine, is not as simple to use in a "nice" way: you can't (of course)
let a clef (or metro mark) stay just at the beginning of a "broken" staff,
but you can't  just get rid of it! At least you have to put a clef in
"parenthesis" or in a previous separate broken fragment, as produced with
your code with this:

\score {
\relative {
s1 \rightTear

BUT - as it is, it's very good. 
Thanks a lot

Piero Faustini, PhD student
Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche
Sezione musicologia
Università di Ferrara 

Software used:
- LyX 1.6.1 on WinXP; EndNote & JabRef
- MikTex
- LaTeX class: Koma book
- Lilypond and MusixTeX for example excerpts
- BibLaTeX for bibliographies 

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