Absolute pitches is an easy feature to add (most of the code is
already there). I will get to it in the next few weeks.


On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Stefan Thomas
<kontrapunktste...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Dear Andrew,
> I think it's not so difficult to write this macro for jedit.
> I think I can do it. But I have another question:
> I would find it helpful to have also the possibilitie for absolute
> pitches. I think, this should bve even easier.
> 2008/12/31 Andrew Hawryluk <ahawry...@gmail.com>:
>> I suppose that one could write a function that searches for the pitch
>> preceding the caret in the text area and modifies it enharmonically.
>> By assigning a keyboard shortcut you would then have the ability to
>> enter ees from the MIDI keyboard and change it to dis by pressing
>> CTRL-something. This is probably beyond my current skills, and it may
>> be just as fast to type the pitches that have unusual spellings in a
>> given key.
>> This does bring up the point that MIDI input can be a tremendous
>> timesaver for strongly diatonic music, but may not be as helpful for
>> highly chromatic passages.
>> Andrew
>> On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 6:09 AM, Stefan Thomas
>> <kontrapunktste...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear David,
>>> thanks for Your answer. So, it should be possible to do this within
>>> jedit, with a macro.
>>> 2008/12/31 David Picón Álvarez <da...@miradoiro.com>:
>>>> I doubt such resolution is possible given that MIDI notes are given in a
>>>> numeric form, meaning n semitones over the baseline. As far as I can tell
>>>> MIDI is just not designed with that in mind.
>>>> --David.
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