Bertalan Fodor  wrote:
> Hi all,
> After stabilization and update for LilyPond 2.12 I released the latest
> version of LilyPondTool
> You can download it from:
> Unzip to your home/.jedit directory.
> *Changes:*
> * Unified index and full-text search for LM, NR, LSR
> * Localization for FR (Valentin Villenave), ES (Francisco Vila). They
> are applied automatically now, no need to manually copy the files.
> * Code assist updated for new documentation structure.
> * Beat count calculator now takes multiplicators into account
> * Better error message when running a command.
> * The infamous dashed line bug was fixed along with a small truetype
> rendering fix.
> * Reverse point-and-click.
> * Project viewer integration
> * New icons (by Valentin Villenave)
> * Visual slur tweaking tool

Having duly downloaded this, I went to the user manual Installation
section <> to check the
details. There it mentions LilyJHelp, but clickimg on the link retruns
an empty page - no download. A search in Sourceforge likewise turns up
no result. Help requested.

Mark Austin

For Whigs admit no force but argument

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