Hi Coralline,

2008/12/29 coralline algae <corall...@gmail.com>:
> In the Notation manual 2.5 custom percussion staves, I have used
> the example shown.  But havent been able to find out what the third
> column is supposed to do.   ie.   #f  or #t  doesn't seem to do much?
> Although the pedalhihat line seems to code for the + above.
> I would like to know where to look in the documentation that
> explains that column.

It's only listed in the Internals Reference at the moment
since the Percussion chapter is still a work in progress.

The third column specifies a script to add to the notehead, which
would be one of the options listed here:
 If no script is required, #f should be used; though #t has the same
effect as #f, its use in the examples is likely to confuse users. :)


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