
 I have sent, via email, a lilypond pdf to be printed out so the receiver may
be able to play the piece - unfortunately, they're printout was not legible.
All the note bodies were printed as small squares, but it seems all else -
lines, bars, ties, flags, etc were intact.

I'm guessing the receipents computer did not have the feta, or a suitable font 

It would be very useful if we could somehow be guaranteed that our finished pdf
music could be universally printed correctly regardless of operating system, or
weather lilypond components were installed.

The only thing I could think of for these folks that have no idea what music
score software is about, was to have them install the feta font. This is not
quite intuitive for everyone, and seems a clumsy un-elegant solution.

Please help with any thoughts on this, and as well as post to the list, send me
email. I am not presently subscribed. 
I'll Probably subscribe in future as time permits.

Thanks for any help on this.

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