Hi Rob,

2008/12/18 Rob Canning <robcann...@eircom.net>:
> ok so i have flattened the tie with:
> \override Tie #'details #'height-limit = #0
> next i want to make sure all the ties start emerging from the actual note so
> there is no vertical offset
> i looked here for other tweekables:
> /usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/define-grobs.scm
> and tried :
> \override Tie #'Y-offset = #0

You could use this, but it's relative to the staff-position of the
tie, which complicates things slightly.

> \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration = #'((0 . 0)) and

This is the easiest way to do it, assuming you don't have any tied chords:

\override TieColumn #'tie-configuration =
  #(lambda (grob)
      (let* ((notehead (ly:grob-parent grob X))
              (y-off (* 2 (ly:grob-property notehead 'Y-offset))))
        (list (cons y-off 0))))

> \override Tie #'note-head-gap = #0

This is a sub-property of 'details, so you have to use #'details
#'note-head-gap for it to work.  You'll probably need to tweak this if
you have any ties on legered notes.


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