On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 11:56:37AM -0700, chip wrote:
>    \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text)
>     = \markup { \small \bold Slower }
>    c2\startTextSpan b c a\stopTextSpan
>    That code does not display the word Slower. I tried it with the word in
>    quotes but it still does not display, the dashes do display, just not the
>    word.

The examples in the manual are generated directly from lilypond.
My initial guess is that you're using 2.10 while reading the 2.11
docs.  In general this is not a problem, but in this case the code
only works in 2.11.

I recommend using 2.11 in any case.

- Graham

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