今井雄治 <imaiyuji <at> ybb.ne.jp> writes:

> Hi, users.
> i got following result use NoteNames context.
> (1st line)
>     c'   d'   e'   f'  |  g'   a'   b'   c''
> (2nd line)
>     c' e'   d' f'   e' g'   f' a'  |  g' b'   a' c''   b' d''   c'' e''
> (3rd line)
>     c'   c'   c'  |  c' g'   c' g'   c' g'
> so, these lines for KOTO (Japanese harp) want to change like following.
> number is string of KOTO.
> (1st line)
>     1   2   3   4  |  5   6   7   8
> (2nd line)  chord: each number locate vertically.
>     1   2   3   4  |  5   6   7   8
>     3   4   5   6  |  7   8   9   10
> (3rd line) tie: replace special character for repeat (if possible)
>     1   *   *  |  1   *   *
>     5   *   *  |

I eliminated the note-names context and just used string numbers,
since you said you wanted koto string numbers.

\version "2.11.63"
\include "english.ly"

music = \relative {
        <c\1>4 <d\2> <e\3> <f\4> | <g\5> <a\6> <b\7> <c\8> | \break
        <c,\1 e\3>4 <d\2 f\4> <e\3 g\5> <f\4 a\6> |
        <g\5 b\7> <a\6 c\8> <b\7 d\9> <c\8 e\10> | \break
        <c,\1 g'\5>4 <c\0 g'\0>~ <c g'>2 | <c\1>4 <c\0>4~ <c\0>2 | \break

\score {
        \new Staff {
          \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)

The string numbers are circled, but the circles can be removed.

I hope this helps,


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