hi marius,

On Dec 12, 2008, at 2:13 AM, Marius Andersen wrote:
These commands, when used in the Staff context, give me nice cross noteheads -- i.e., stopped/dampened notes as far as guitar is concerned. However, they have NO effect in the TabStaff context:

   \new TabStaff {
     % This doesn't work

     \override NoteHead  #'style = #'cross
     c c c c

     \override NoteHead  #'style = #'default

     \tweak #'style #'cross c

In other words, I cannot get an "X" on one of the tablature lines, and so, cannot write dampened notes for guitar.

try this:

#(define (x-tab-format str context event)
      ((tuning (ly:context-property context 'stringTunings))
        (pitch (ly:event-property event 'pitch)))
          (markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s2cross")))))

crosshead = \set tablatureFormat = #x-tab-format
uncrosshead = \unset tablatureFormat

\new TabStaff {
    c c c c
    c c

(callously nicked from the letter tablature formatting on http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.11/input/lsr/lilypond-snippets/Fretted-strings#Fretted-strings ).

Simon Bailey
Oompa Loompa of Science
+43 699 190 631 25

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