Thanks for the analysis!

Do you think there is any workaround?
Any chance to get this fixed in 2.11?

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
It seems that the accidentals that are not printed in the new measure because of the tie,
are not removed completely, but just made invisible still taking space.


Valentin Villenave wrote:
2008/12/11 Stefan Waler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I attach a sample script, please note the accidentials for 'ces' in the
second and for 'fes' in the forth bar. I tried to simplify the score very much, but it seems as lilypond continues to calculate wrong spaces for every
further accidental of this voice!
Weird. I'm fwding this to the bug-list to make sure I won't forget it.


\version "2.11.65"

\relative c' {
    << {e'1 e} \\
    {<bes, des>1 ~ |
      %% Uncommenting the tie produces the bug
    <bes des fes aes>4 ~ <bes des aes'> %~
    <bes ces des fes aes>2 } >>



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