Hallo all,

Preparing some Christmas music (see below or attachment), I saw that the first syllables in the final system are left-aligned rather than centred below the note as they should be.

Does anyone know what causes this?

(Previous versions of LP yield the same result.)
Vriendelijke groeten,  =  Best wishes,  =  Afablajn salutojn,




\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a4")
  line-width = 16\cm

\header {
  title = "Unto Us is Born a Son"
  composer = "after Piae Cantiones, 1582"

global= {
  \time 4/4
  \key d \major

% ==========

musA = {
\relative {
  d4 e fis g fis e d2
  a'4 a b cis d2 d
  d4 e cis d b a a
  fis a g fis e d( e) fis
  g a g fis d d2 d \bar "|."

musB = {
\relative {
  d4 e fis g fis e d2
  fis4 d d g g( e) fis2
  fis4 e e d d cis e
  d d d cis cis d2 d4
  d e d cis b8[ cis] d4( b) a2

musC = {
\relative {
  d,4 e fis g fis e d2
  d'4 d b g a2 a
  b4 b a a g g fis
  a fis g a g fis( g) a
  b cis b a g fis( g) fis2

musD = {
\relative {
  d,4 e fis g fis e d2
  d4 fis g e d2 d
  b'4 g a fis g e fis
  d cis b a a b2 b4
  e a, a a a d2 d

% ==========

txtA = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1. "
  Un -- to us is born a Son,
  King of choirs su -- per -- nal;
  see on earth his life be -- gun,
  of lords the Lord e -- ter -- nal,
  of lords the Lord e -- ter -- nal.

txtB = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2. "
  Christ, from heav'n de -- scend -- ing low,
  comes on earth a stran -- ger;
  ox and ass their own -- er know,
  be -- cra -- dled in a man -- ger,
  be -- cra -- dled in a man -- ger.

txtC = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "3. "
  Of his love and mer -- cy mild
  this the Christ -- mas sto -- ry;
  o, that Ma -- ry's gen -- tle child
  might lead us up to glo -- ry,
  might lead us up to glo -- ry.

% ==========

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Staff <<
       \new Voice = "mel" { \voiceOne << \global \musA >> }
       \new Voice { \voiceTwo << \global \musB >> }
       \new Lyrics = lyrA { s1 }
       \new Lyrics = lyrB { s1 }
       \new Lyrics = lyrC { s1 }
    \new Staff <<
       \clef bass
       \new Voice { \voiceThree << \global \musC >> }
       \new Voice { \voiceFour << \global \musD >> }
    \context Lyrics = lyrA \lyricsto mel \txtA
    \context Lyrics = lyrB \lyricsto mel \txtB
    \context Lyrics = lyrC \lyricsto mel \txtC


\version "2.11.64-1"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a4")
  line-width = 16\cm

\header {
  title = "Unto Us is Born a Son"
  composer = "after Piae Cantiones, 1582"

global= {
  \time 4/4
  \key d \major

% ==========
musA = {
\relative { 
  d4 e fis g fis e d2
  a'4 a b cis d2 d
  d4 e cis d b a a
  fis a g fis e d( e) fis
  g a g fis d d2 d \bar "|."

musB = {
\relative { 
  d4 e fis g fis e d2
  fis4 d d g g( e) fis2
  fis4 e e d d cis e
  d d d cis cis d2 d4
  d e d cis b8[ cis] d4( b) a2

musC = {
\relative { 
  d,4 e fis g fis e d2
  d'4 d b g a2 a
  b4 b a a g g fis
  a fis g a g fis( g) a
  b cis b a g fis( g) fis2

musD = {
\relative { 
  d,4 e fis g fis e d2
  d4 fis g e d2 d
  b'4 g a fis g e fis
  d cis b a a b2 b4
  e a, a a a d2 d

% ==========

txtA = \lyricmode { 
  \set stanza = "1. "
  Un -- to us is born a Son,
  King of choirs su -- per -- nal;
  see on earth his life be -- gun,
  of lords the Lord e -- ter -- nal,
  of lords the Lord e -- ter -- nal.

txtB = \lyricmode { 
  \set stanza = "2. "
  Christ, from heav'n de -- scend -- ing low,
  comes on earth a stran -- ger;
  ox and ass their own -- er know,
  be -- cra -- dled in a man -- ger,
  be -- cra -- dled in a man -- ger.

txtC = \lyricmode { 
  \set stanza = "3. "
  Of his love and mer -- cy mild
  this the Christ -- mas sto -- ry;
  o, that Ma -- ry's gen -- tle child
  might lead us up to glo -- ry,
  might lead us up to glo -- ry.

% ==========

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Staff <<
       \new Voice = "mel" { \voiceOne << \global \musA >> }
       \new Voice { \voiceTwo << \global \musB >> }
       \new Lyrics = lyrA { s1 }
       \new Lyrics = lyrB { s1 }
       \new Lyrics = lyrC { s1 }
    \new Staff <<
       \clef bass
       \new Voice { \voiceThree << \global \musC >> }
       \new Voice { \voiceFour << \global \musD >> }
    \context Lyrics = lyrA \lyricsto mel \txtA
    \context Lyrics = lyrB \lyricsto mel \txtB
    \context Lyrics = lyrC \lyricsto mel \txtC

\version "2.11.64-1"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

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