>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Tarenskeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Martin> If we would have a good Lilypond->MusicXML conversion tool (or an 
    Martin> additional file export option inside Lilypond) we could convert the 
    Martin> complete Mutopia collection to MusicXML. That would sure make a 
    Martin> MusicXML test suite, and under a free licence ! 

It would be a very good test suite of the subset of MusicXML that ly2xml
used.  Which is of course important to members of this list, but might
well never be a comprehensive test.

Laura   (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   

All animals are strictly dry:
They sinless live and swiftly die;
But sinful, ginful, run-soaked men
Survive for three score years and ten.
And some of them, a very few,
Stay pickled till they're 92.

ANON, quoted in Arnold Silcock's _Verse and Worse_

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