> > You do not need a music score typesetting system to do this, just use> > a
> > word processor or a spreadsheet. > Yes, but if you have a piece of music
> > that you want to extract different > parts out of, and one of those is a
> > chord-and-lyrics chart for a > guitarist who can't tell tell the difference
> > between music notation and > squashed ants, it would be nice to have a
> > simple way of getting LP to > generate this.This is a good point - not
> > everyone wants to use LP to create very complex pieces, and when dealing
> > with music and musicians in a more "pop" vein you run into the folks that
> > can play well well but have no clue about standard notation.
I like the "squashed ants" comment...what gets me more irritated are those who
can read music a little but refuse to in the pop music situation because they
think they'll look "uncool". My guitarist partner is a little like that and is
sometimes bothered that I want a stand with at least the words to the 150 or so
tunes we can play in front of me. I keep telling him that the best musicians
in the world play with music in front of them...why shouldn't I?
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