Hi, Stefan.
Use extra-offset like following:

    \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.1)

2008/11/25 Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear Lilypond-users,
> I would like to have, in the below quoted example, the "Dsechsvier" on the
> same heigth as the "T".
> How can I get this?
> Thanks for Your help,
> Stefan
> \version "2.11.60"
> Dsechsvier =  \markup { D \super { \combine \raise #1.1  6   4   }  }
> T =  \markup {T}
> \new Staff \relative c {  \clef bass c1_\T c1_\Dsechsvier }
> \layout{
>   \context { \Staff  \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3 }  }

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