Then for sure I will include your layout as an option.


Nicolas Sceaux írta:
Le 21 nov. 08 à 14:34, Bertalan Fodor a écrit :

In LilyPondTool you'll be able to type:

c g c s x c (try it!)

Much more natural. However, it makes it complicated, because the software
must know the key. So for example is c minor it will be rendered as
c es c bes, b c
but in h major, it will be rendered as
c dis c ais, b c

But will make it the fastest possible way to enter notes on a computer

Actually, after typing many hundreds of pages of notes that way on a
computer keyboard, my conclusion was different: mimicking a piano keyboard is not the most ergonomic mapping. I'm using the keyboard mapping suggested
by a user and described here:
The less you move your hands, the faster you are. With this layout, only the fingers are moving. It's not really about being more natural, but efficient. Indeed this "unnatural" layout requires some training. But then how quick it


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