On 11/20/08 12:02 PM, "Jonathan Kulp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Neil Puttock wrote:
>> 2008/11/20 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
>>>>     title = " "
>>>>     subtitle = " "
>>>>     composer = " "
>>>>     arranger = " "
>>> Funny, I tried this (after Risto showed me how to use the same thing with my
>>> LyricExtender problem) and it didn't make any difference in the space at the
>>> top.  I don't mind the spacing as is, though.
>> Ah, but it's not the same: there's a space between the quotes. :)
>> You could do this, but it makes more sense to set either top-margin or
>> head-separation.
>> Regards,
>> Neil
> Right.  I tried it both ways ("" or " ") and couldn't see that it made
> any difference in top spacing.  Setting "top-margin = 2\cm" in the
> \paper block was perfect. :)

I agree that top-margin is better.

I'm surprised that using " " (with a space in the middle) didn't make a
difference for you.  It did for me.


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