Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi all,I find it very satisfying when Lilypond complains but still keeps going and does the job perfectly anyway. ;-)Me, too… but I also find it very satisfying to discover a way to keep Lilypond from complaining:nullLyric = \markup \hspace #0 verseOne = \lyricmode { tar -- de. __ ¡Ay, Mo } verseTwo = \lyricmode { tar -- es. __ \nullLyric } verseThree = \lyricmode { ai -- re __ \nullLyric } verseFour = \lyricmode { gran -- des. __ \nullLyric } HTH! =) Kieren.
Thanks Kieren. I tried this out and it makes the LyricExtenders work correctly without console warnings, but it also creates something (not sure what) that takes up vertical space and messes up the spacing of the next system. The place in my score where verses 2-4 end is also the last bar of a line and there's a repeat sign. The continuation of verse 1 happens on the next system, and if I use the \nullLyric command, the voice and guitar parts are too far apart vertically. If I use your first suggestion of "" , then I get warnings but the spacing is how I like it. :) Images are attached. The one with closer spacing (using "" in the code) looks funny in a minimal example like this, but at least you can see the impact on vertical spacing that the \markup \hspace #0 has.
Thanks for the help! Jon -- Jonathan Kulp
<<attachment: lyric-prob-minimal.png>>
<<attachment: lyric-prob-minimal-better.png>>
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