Dear all,
When I rotate text that is right under a note, it is also shifted to the
right. In the example below, I want the numbers exactly between the note
on the top stave and on the bottom stave. When there is only a "0", it
is ok. When there are three digits, there is a small shift. When there
are more digits (e.g. the "0.630947"), the shift is so big that the
number is below the next note.
I would be grateful if somebody could tell me how to rotate long strings
without shifting them to the right.
Thanks in advance!
Peter van Kranenburg
\markup {\wordwrap-string#"Aligner : AffineGlobalAligner
Substitution : ProductCombiner
Gap : SimpleGapRater
\markup {\wordwrap-string#"Score : 3.10154
\score {
\new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = "NLB000000_00" \autoBeamOff
\bar "" s16 \bar "" s16 \bar"dashed" a'16(_\markup\rotate #90
"0.630947"^"0" \bar"" a'16 \bar"" a'16 \bar"" a'16) \bar"" a'16(
\bar"" a'16 \bar"" a'16 \bar"" a'16)_\markup\rotate #90 "0" \bar""
b'16_\markup\rotate #90 "0.75" \bar"" c''16_\markup\rotate #90 "0.75"
\bar"" d''16_\markup\rotate #90 "0.75" \bar"" c''16_\markup\rotate #90
"0.220588" \bar "" s16 \bar "" s16 \bar "" s16 \bar "" s16 \bar""
b'16(_\markup\rotate #90 "0" \bar"" b'16)_\markup\rotate #90 "0"
\bar"" a'16(_\markup\rotate #90 "0" \bar"" a'16)_\markup\rotate #90 "0" }
\new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = "NLB000000_00" \autoBeamOff
\bar"" a'16^"0" \bar"" a'16 \bar"" b'16 \bar "" s16 \bar "" s16
\bar "" s16 \bar "" s16 \bar "" s16 \bar "" s16 \bar"" c''16 \bar""
d''16 \bar"" c''16 \bar"" b'16( \bar"" b'16) \bar"" a'16( \bar""
a'16 \bar"" a'16 \bar"" a'16) \bar"" a'16( \bar"" a'16 \bar"" a'16
\bar"" a'16) }
\layout{ indent = 3.0\cm
\context { \Score \remove "Timing_translator" \remove
"Default_bar_line_engraver" }
\context { \Staff \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver" \remove
"Time_signature_engraver" \consists "Timing_translator" \override Stem
#'transparent = ##t } }
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