Two source files are attached, a .lytex and a .ly. The .lytex file links to the .ly file, so be sure to put them in the same directory before you run it. I think it will work without any extra LaTeX packages. Just follow the instructions in Application Usage for running lilypond-book and it should work fine: I've also attached the pdf file showing the final result. Good luck to you (and your son!), Jon Joseph Haig wrote:
2008/11/12 guysnape <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:I've just got Lilypond working, I want to use it to print some music reading practice sheets for my son who is learning piano. Is it possible to produce a page containing the following? A text instruction (e.g. "Write the note name underneath each note")I would do this with lilypond-book: <> It is almost certainly possible to do this without lilypond-book but I have never had reason to do it so I don't know how.A staff with notes on it with an underscore character or two exactly under each note (I guess treating them as lyrics), leaving sufficient space for the letter name to be written.I haven't tried it, but you should be able to do this with lyrics. The only slight complication is that - and _ are special characters and I don't know how you would display a dash underneath a note rather than between syllables. It might work if you put them in quotes - eg: \addlyrics { "_" "_" "_" "_" }Another text instruction ("Put the correct note above each letter") A blank staff with letter names evenly spaced underneath (or between the treble and bass staves).I think this will do what you want: <> The hidden notes will be treated as any other notes, so you can add the names underneath as lyrics. Hope this helps, Joe _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list
-- Jonathan Kulp
\version "2.11.64" \paper { ragged-right = ##f } notes = \relative c' { c d e f \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t \override Stem #'transparent = ##t a b c d } lines = \lyricmode { "___" "___" "___" "___" A B C D } \score { \context Staff = "staff" { \notes } \addlyrics { \lines } }
\documentclass[12pt,oneside,letterpaper]{article} % the package "amsmath" allows binomials, which look like time signatures with % parentheses around them. Setspace allows you to set line spacing in specific % environments. % the package hyperref puts bookmark links in the document % when it's converted to .pdf format. Nice! % \usepackage{hyperref} %\linespread{1.15} \author{Author} \title{\Title} %%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} %\maketitle %%%%% NOTE RECOGNITION %%%%% \section{Note Recognition} Please write the correct note name for each note in the spaces given below. Where note names are given, write the pitches on the staff. \begin{center} \lilypondfile[noindent,staffsize=24]{} \end{center} \end{document}
Description: Adobe PDF document
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