This accidental/fingering collision appears to be a bug, so I'm copying to
the bug list. I can't find a similar bug in the bug DB.
The collision occurs only when the chord is the first chord/note in the bar,
and the fingered note precedes the sharpened note in that chord. Here's a
short example:
\relative c' {
\time 2/4
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
<a-3 cis-4> % first chord in bar - collision
<a-3 cis!-4> % not first chord in bar - no collision
<a-3 cis!-4> % first chord in bar - collision
<a-3 cis!-4> % not first chord in bar - no collision
<cis-4 a-3> % reverse order - no collision
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 7:05 PM
Subject: Accidental hiding fingering indication
At several places in the attached score, an accidental on a note in a
is obscuring a fingering indication for another note in the chord. The
strange thing is that in some places the fingering is correctly moved to
avoid the accidental and in others it isn't.
e.g. In the lower voice in bars 3 and 9 the fingering on the adjacent note
in the chord is moved to avoid the accidental, whereas in bar 10 it is
and in the upper voice the problem happens in bars 6 and 12. There's also
the same problem in bar 11, but I'm guessing that it happens there because
the accidental is in one voice and the fingering in the other.
Lilypond 2.11.63 on Vista.
Nick Payne
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