Greetings. Things have been going very well for me with Lilypond, until
now. However, an interesting problem has arisen. (I'm running ver.
2.11.62, on Kubuntu Linux 8.04.1).
In my guitar scores, I like my fingering indications (left hand only) to
precede a voice's note(s), directly to the left. In the score below, I
find that breaking a voice into sub-voices, briefly, destroys the
placement of my fingerings and string indications - rendering the score as
it would be if I utterly failed to use chord constructs. The problem
continues only for as long as the sub-voices are coded separately.
Yet, the Lilypond Learning manual indicates that what I'm doing (brief
specification of subvoices) is possible, and may even be the best way of
handling the brief appearance of an additional voice ( see p. 52 - the
section beginning "More deeply nested polyphony constructs are possible,
and if a voice appears only briefly this might be a more natural way to
typeset the music:..."
The problem to which I refer occurs in measures 10 (fingering - "3" - for
A on beat 3 collides with rest, as it's placed above rather than to the
side of the note), and 15 (which is such a mess it's unreadable).
I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I could get it to come out OK
by explicitly coding 3 voices, but that's simply a lot more work, and
doing the way I'm attempting at present is a much quicker path to a
playable score - or rather it was until now.
I'd appreciate any ideas anyone has.
t. (score code follows)
=== begin score ===
\version "2.11.62"
#(set-global-staff-size 20) % 20 this is said to be standard for most
date = #(strftime "%Y.%m.%d" (localtime (current-time))) % define a
variable to hold the formatted date
#(define RH rightHandFinger) %assigns value to RH
\header {
% ***** centered top *****
%dedication="dedication" %centered above title, top of page one
title = "Chorale #1" %centered below dedication
%subtitle = "subtitle" %centered below title
subsubtitle = \markup { "(2008.11.03) - version" \date } %centered below
%piece = "(piece)" %{ useful only with multi-piece set given Opus
number; set flus left below meter %}
instrument = "Classical Guitar" %{ centered below the subsubtitle, and
at the top of pages (other than the first page). %}
% ***** flush right *****
composer = \markup \center-column {"Tom Cloyd" \small "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" }
%flush right
%arranger = "{arranger}" %flush right below composer
%opus = "{opus}" %flush right below arranger
% ***** centered, bottom of page *****
copyright = "© 2008 Tom Cloyd" %centered at the bottom of the first
tagline = \markup { \small "score set with Lilipond
("} % centered at the bottom of the last page
\paper {
#(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'portrait)
ragged-last-bottom = ##t % turns off vertical justify
left-margin = 0.6\in
line-width = 7\in % works better than specifying R-margin
bottom-margin = 0.7\in
top-margin = 0.7\in
% variables =====================================
% LH fingering orientations
sfol = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
sfor = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(right)
sfod = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
sfou = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(up)
% RH fingering orientations
ssfol = \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(left)
ssfor = \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(right)
ssfod = \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
ssfou = \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up)
% string number orientations
ssnol = \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(left) %(down right up)
ssnou = \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(up)
ssnod = \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)
ssnor = \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(right)
% VOICE ONE ========================================
melody = \relative c' {
\clef "treble_8"
\key a \minor
\time 4/4
\tempo "Moderato" 4 = 98 %{ metronome marking will be in parentheses, if
accompanied by verbal tempo marking; or just precede it with empty
parentheses to obtain metron. marking in parens. %}
\sfol %LH fingering placement
\ssfor %RH fingering placement
\ssnol %string number placement
e2 < f-1 >4 ^"2/6 C I" < g-4 > |
g4. e8 c2 ^"C I" |
c < d-4 >4 e |
d2 ^"C III" < e-4 >4 g |
< a-4 >2 < a-4 >4 ^"5/6 C III" < g-1 > |
% m 6 ===== ===== ===== =====
< e c g >2 < d b-2 g-3 > ^"C III" | \break
e2 < g-4 >4 < b-4 > |
a ^"3/6 C V" < b-4 > < c-4 >2 |
< b-4 >4 -\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-3 . 0)^"3/6 C V" < a-1 > < g-1 b,
>4. -\tweak #'extra-offset #'(0 . 0)^"3/6 C IV" < a-1 >8 |
< a e >2 ^"C V" g\rest |
\bar ":|:"
% m 11 ===== ===== ===== =====
e2 f4 ^"C I" < g-4 > |
e2 <g-4 > |
\break e < d-4 >4 b
< c g> a b2 |
< a-1 > b | % m 16 ===== ===== ===== =====
c ^"C I" < c-1 > |
d ^"C III" e | < f-1 >2 g4 ^" C III" b |
a2 ^"C V" < b-1 >4 < d-4 > |
< c-4 >2 ^"3/6 C V" b4 c |
% m 21 ===== ===== ===== =====
< a-2 >4 < b-4 > < gis-4 > a |
< a-4 >1 |
\bar ":|:"
< c,-1 >2 c4. ^"C I" d8 |
d4. e8 e2 |
g4. e8 e2 |
% m 26 ===== ===== ===== =====
< g-1 >4 < a-4 > g e |
g e < g d >4. ^"C III" < e-4 >8 |
< e-4 >2 e |
e2 < f-1 >4 < g-4 > |
\bar ":|" r4 < e c-1\3 b a-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(0 . -0.5)-3-\tweak
#'extra-offset #'(0 . -0.5)\4 >2. |
\bar "||" }
% VOICE TWO ========================================
tenor = \relative c' {
\sfol %LH fingering placement
\ssfor %RH fingering placement
\ssnol %string number placement
< c-1 g e-2 >2 < c-1 g c,-3 > |
< c g e, >2 < c a-2 f-3 f, > |
< g e-2 e, >2 < a-2 d, f,-1 > |
< b-2 g-3 g, >1 |
< e-3 c-2 a, >2 < e-3 c-2 c,-1 > |
% m 6 ===== ===== ===== =====
< e,-3 >4 f g,2
< b' g e, >2 < b g b,-1 >4 < b g d > |
< e c a-3 >2 < e-1 a,-3 a, > |
< e-1 d-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(0 . -1)-3 e,, > < e-2 e,-4\5 > |
{ c2 a4-3 c | } \\
{ a,1 | }
% m 11 ===== ===== ===== =====
< c' a-2 a,>2 < c a f, > |
{< b g >2 < b g d > |} \\
< b'' e,-2 c-3 >2 < g d b-2 > |
< e a, >2 < g d e, > |
{< e-1 >2 < a-1 >4 g |} \\
{< c,-2 a-4\6 >2 < d g,-2 >} |
% m 16 ===== ===== ===== ===== < a'-2 f-3 f, >2 < g e-2 c-3 > |
< b-2 g-3 g, > < c-1 g c,-3 > |
< c-1 a-2 a,-0> < d-1 b-2 g, > |
< e c a, >2 < b g e, > |
< e c a-3 >2 < c-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(1 . 1)-1-\tweak #'extra-offset
#'(1 . 1)\3 b-0 e,-3 >| % m 21 ===== ===== =====
< f-3 c-1 d, > < d-2 b-3 e,-1 >|
< e-3 c-2 a, >1|
< g, e-2 a, >2< a-2 f-3 f, > |
< b g e, > <c-1 e,-2 a, > |
< b g b,-2 >2 < c g c, > |
% m 26 ===== ===== ===== =====
< e-3 c-2 a, >4 < e c g,-1 > < b d, e, >2 |
< c-1 e,-2 a, > < b-2 g, > |
< c-3 e,-1 a, > <d-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(0 . -0.7)-4 g, b,-2 > |
< c g c,-3 > < d-4 a-2 c,-3 >4 < b g b,-2 > |
a,1 |
\score {
\context Staff = "guitar" \with {
\consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver"
%\set Staff.instrumentName="Classical Guitar" %puts name to left of
line one
\set Staff.midiInstrument="acoustic guitar (nylon)"
\set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\context Voice = "melody" \melody
\context Voice = "tenor" \tenor
\layout {
indent = 0.0\cm % remove indent on first staff
\midi { %causes generation of midi score
=== end score ===
Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> (email)
<< >> (website) << >> (mental
health weblog)
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