
I had the same problem already when moving from 2.10.xx to 2.11.43. I
solved the problem by renaming all .tex files to .lytex and replacing
the \input(foobar.tex) by \input(foobar.lytex)

Hope this helps

best regards


Am Dienstag, den 04.11.2008, 13:48 -0600 schrieb Jonathan Kulp:
> Hi All,
> I'm getting to know lilypond-book, both with html and LaTeX source 
> files, running running Ubuntu 8.04 with 2.11.63.
> As suggested in the manual, I've specifed an output directory (
> --output=out).  So let's say my source file is
> ~/Book/filename.lytex
> and my output directory is
> ~/Book/out/
> I also have a couple of other \input{foobar.tex} files and am trying to 
> include lily source files with \lilypondfile{foobar.ly}, stuff like that.
> What I've found is that the first invocation of lilypond-book on the
> source file works fine, but the next time I run it after making
> changes to the sourcefile, it won't compile.  It took me a while to find 
> the problem in the massive amounts of terminal output, but the culprit 
> is apparently this one:
> "lilypond-book: error: Output would overwrite input file; use --output."
> What I've deduced from this is that lilypond-book must first make a copy
> of my source file and put it in the output directory, then use that as
> the input file.  Is this correct?  Because when I remove the .tex files
> from the output directory and run lilypond-book on the original 
> filename.lytex (in the main directory), it compiles correctly and 
> creates the desired output.  My question is this: shouldn't the "input 
> file" really be the one that's NOT in the output directory?  In other 
> words, why doesn't lilypond-book take the command-line argument as the 
> input file instead of the file that it has put in the output directory?
> Is there a command-line option (such as the -e flag for convert-ly) that 
> would allow overwriting the files?
> I've made a workaround by adding cleanup lines to my lilybook
> script to remove .tex files from the output directory, but it seems to 
> me that the program should use the argument of the lilypond-book command 
> as the input file and then overwrite the files inside the output 
> directory instead of returning errors saying that output would overwrite 
> the input file.
> I don't remember this happening when using lilypond-book on the .itely 
> files for the GDP.  Is it designed this way to avoid deleting files 
> inadvertently?
> Best,
> Jon

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