2008/11/4 fiëé visuëlle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Am 2008-11-04 um 21:10 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
>> fiëé visuëlle wrote:
>>> Regarding those newbies who are looking for a GUI:
>>> Why don't we publish a screenshot or two?
>>> Users are looking for screenshots if they evaluate a new application (at
>>> least I do), and if we show a shot of a terminal window of a LilyPond
>>> session and another of some text editor with a piece of score, and add a
>>> comment like "yes, that's how LilyPond looks", perhaps we could reduce those
>>> noob questions a bit.
>> The only problem is that the screenshot will look very
>> different depending on what your favorite text editor
>> looks like. For Windows, we could certainly show a
>> screenshot using the Lilypad editor, but it's far from the
>> best editor. If you want selling screenshots, see
>> http://lilypondtool.organum.hu/demo.html
> The editor doesn't matter. It's important to show a command line.

I don´t agree. If I have jEdit and LilyPondTool I DON´T NEED the command line.
So why should we shock newcomers with a command line?
I know two people using LilyPond to typeset beautiful music who are
not familiar with the command line, maybe they even don´t know what
exactly the command line is used for.

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