Hi Mark,

2008/11/2 Mark Polesky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Two questions...
> 1.) I found this property in the accidental-interface page in the docs:
>    forced (boolean)
>        Manually forced accidental.
>    I tried to make it work, but I couldn't get it to do anything.
>    Can anyone explain how this property is used?

It's a read-only property used internally for accidental placement and
situations involving ties, so it should really be listed in the
`Internal properties' section.

> 2.) I'm working on a project where I'd like to be able to take a music
>    expression that contains manually forced accidentals (eg. "c!") and write
>    some command at the beginning that would ignore all of them, like this:
>    {
>      \ignoreForcedAccidentals
>      c d e! f
>    }
>    It's also essential that such a command does NOT remove accidentals that
>    would've been printed anyway. This depends on the accidental-style, too.
>    Is there a way?

The easiest way would be to override the stencil, returning an empty
stencil if 'forced is set.

If you want to use a music function, it's a bit more complicated,
since you'll have to recurse through the music, check for
'forced-accidental then set it to #f if found.


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