Hello again everybody! THanks to the kind help i have recieved in the
list, I was able to move forward with my study list for the chord of
the venezuelan "cuatro". Nonetheless, I now notice discrepancies
between the fretboards that are completely unexpected.
This is the full code. Please note that the forth, fifth and sixth
frets look different. Is this a normal behaviour? IMHO this should not
happen because of the fact that is evident that I have set up global
modifications to the fingering dots and the style for them.
Why cant they look with the same style and settings? Thanks again for
your kind help.
\version "2.11.62"
#(set-global-staff-size 16)
\header {
title = "Acordes para el Cuatro Venezolano"
opus = "En primera posicion"
composer = "J.G. Andrade"
temperamento = { <<a d fis b,>> }
primeros = {
{<a\4 d\3 fis\2 b,\1> ^\markup \fret-diagram #"d:0.45;4-o;3-o;2-o;
{<a\4 d\3 fis\2 d\1> ^\markup \fret-diagram #"d:0.45;1-3-3;"}
{<a\4 e'\3 g\2 cis,\1> ^\markup \fret-diagram #"d:
{<a\4 d\3 fis\2 c\1> ^\markup \fret-diagram #"d:0.45;1-1-1;"}
\score {
\new ChordNames {
\set chordChanges = ##t
\chordmode {
d:6 d a:maj7 d:maj7 g
\new Staff \relative c'' {
<a d fis b,>
<a d fis d>
<a e' g cis,>
<a d fis c>
<b d g b,>
\new TabStaff \relative c'' {
\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(11 18 14 9)
\set TabStaff.highStringOne = ##f
% Set global properties of fret diagram
\override TextScript #'fret-diagram-details
#'finger-code = #'in-dot
\override TextScript #'fret-diagram-details
#'string-count = #'4
{<b\4 d\3 g\2 b,\1> ^\markup \fret-diagram #"d:0.45;f:
\layout {
\context {
\override SpacingSpanner
#'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
\midi { }
Si un experimento tiene éxito, algo ha salido mal. Primera Ley de
Jesús Guillermo Andrade (Abg.)
Gerente de Litigios y Corporativo. EDM. AC. API.
Andrade & Moreno S.C. (http://amlegal.wordpress.com/)
Las excepciones confirman la regla... Y torpedean el presupuesto. Ley
de Miller.
Jesús Guillermo Andrade (Abg.)
Gerente de Litigios y Corporativo. EDM. AC. API.
Andrade & Moreno S.C. (http://amlegal.wordpress.com/)
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