> Roman Stawski wrote: >> I want to have one group of parallel staves following another >> sequentially. The constitution of the two groups is quite different. >> (In the real piece I'm using \removeEmptyStaffContext to hide the >> first group when I finish with it.) A cut-down example is: >> >> - - - -[START] >> \version "2.11.60" >> \layout { ragged-right = ##t } >> >> example = { >> << >> \new Staff { \new Voice = "a" \relative c'' { a1 } } >> %\new Lyrics { \lyricsto "a" \lyricmode { Doo } } >> >> >> << >> \new Staff { \new Voice = "c" \relative c' { c1 } } >> \new Lyrics { \lyricsto "c" \lyricmode { dah } } >> >> >> } >> >> \score { \example } >> - - - -[END] >> >> This snippet works, but when I uncomment the Lyrics line, I get >> >> - - - - >> ... >> Interpreting music... >> programming error: Moment is not increasing. Aborting interpretation. >> continuing, cross fingers >> test.ly:11:18: warning: cannot find Voice 'c' >> >> \new Lyrics { >> \lyricsto "c" \lyricmode { dah } } >> >> ... >> - - - - >> >> and the second group is corrupted in the display. Mats Bengtsson wrote: > This is weird and looks like a bug to me, so I forward it to > bug-lilypond. > However, you may want to reorganize your score along the lines of > the email "Re: Adding a staff in the middle of a piece" I sent on > lilypond-user some minutes ago, which shows how to switch a stave back > and forth between behaving like a french stave and a normal stave, but > setting the remove-empty property. > > /Mats Hi Mats
Thanks for your ideas. You proposed three work-arounds : 1. I don't need to switch between french and normal staves (AFAICS). 2. When I use the same staff context, I still get exactly the same error. In your examples you leave out the lyrics, they are at the core of the problem. For instance: - - - -[START] \version "2.11.60" \layout { ragged-right = ##t } \score{ { \new Staff = soprano \relative c' { c d e f | g1 | } %\addlyrics{ \lyricmode { Did -- dle did -- dle dum. } } << \context Staff = soprano \relative c'' { g4 f e d | c1 | } \addlyrics{ \lyricmode { Did -- dle did -- dle dum. } } \new Staff = solo \relative c'' {g8 c g f e g e d | c1 | } >> } } - - - -[END] Try uncommenting the first lyric line 3. The third alternative won't do either. The two groups represent refrain and verse. I use separate variables to be able to use different content structure in the PDF (Ref. + V1 + V2 + V3) and in the midi (Ref + V1 + Ref + V2 + Ref. + V3 + Ref). So introducing additional staves on the fly makes this much more difficult. Thanks for forwarding this to lilypond-bugs. I wasn't sure whether I was missing something simple, or whether it really is a bug. Cheers _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user