Forwarded to list, because I didn't copy my reply my mistake.

------ Forwarded Message
From: Carl Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 21:20:29 -0600
To: Jesús Guillermo Andrade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Conversation: TabStaff stringTuning problem?
Subject: Re: TabStaff stringTuning problem?

On 10/27/08 8:38 PM, "Jesús Guillermo Andrade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear fellows: I've been trying to set up a tab for the venezuelan "Cuatro".
> For this, I have set up the stringTuning property but, somehow, the fret
> numbers don't match at all except for the temperament notes: <a d fis b,>. If
> I try any other higher notes, the numbers get too high and obviously
> incorrect, using this form:
>     \new TabStaff \relative c'' {
>       \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(11 18 14 9)
>       \set TabStaff.highStringOne = ##f
>       \textLengthOn
>       % Set global properties of fret diagram
>        \override TextScript #'fret-diagram-details
>       #'finger-code = #'in-dot
>       \override TextScript #'fret-diagram-details
>       #'string-count = #'4
>       {<a\4 d\3 fis\2 b,\1> ^\markup \fret-diagram
> #"w:4;d:0.35;4-o;3-o;2-o;1-o;"}
>       {<a\4 d\3 fis\2 d\1>  ^\markup \fret-diagram #"w:4;d:0.35;1-3-3;"}
>       {<a\4 c\3 e\2 g\1>    ^\markup \fret-diagram
> #"w:4;d:0.35;4-o;3-2-2;2-1-1;1-2-3;"}
> Can you help me to clarify this? Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
> The fret numbers for the third chord should be 0212 from bottom to top.

As I look at this, it seems to me that your first two work just right.  The
TAB I get is right for them - 0000 for the first chord, 0003 for the second

For the third chord, I think you have the wrong notes.  If the open 3rd
string is a d, then the second fret third string should be an e, but you
coded it as a c.  Similarly, if the open second string is an fis, the 1st
fret second string should be a g, but you have it coded as an e.  And if the
open first string is a b, the second fret first string should be a cis.

Also, you have to watch out for the relative notes.

If you code the third chord as

<a\4 e'\3 g\2 c,\1>

everything works out just fine.

Also, since you are setting the global string-count to 4, there is no need
to include a w:4 in your fret diagram definitions.

This is the revised code I tested.

   \new TabStaff \relative c'' {
      \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(11 18 14 9)
      \set TabStaff.highStringOne = ##f
      % Set global properties of fret diagram
       \override TextScript #'fret-diagram-details
      #'finger-code = #'in-dot
      \override TextScript #'fret-diagram-details
      #'string-count = #'4
      {<a\4 d\3 fis\2 b,\1> ^\markup \fret-diagram
      {<a\4 d\3 fis\2 d\1>  ^\markup \fret-diagram #"d:0.35;1-3-3;"}
      {<a\4 e'\3 g\2 cis,\1>    ^\markup \fret-diagram

I think it works correctly.



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