This issue was mentioned on the mailing list as late as a few days ago.
As is described in the documentation (at least the 2.11 version),
specifying fingeringOrientations only works for fingerings that are
attached to chords. If you want it for a single note, you have to make
it a single note chord, i.e. use <c>-4
instead of c-4
Quoting Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I've only tested the following in 2.11. I hope it also
applies to 2.10.
You can either move the fingeringOrientations command
inside the << { } \\ { place-it-here notes } >> construct
so it is immediately before the notes in question, or set
it in the Staff context where it is with
\set Staff.fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
Either will place the fingering to the left, outside the
arpeggio, but you may find they are too far to the left.
You can adjust the separation by modifying the Arpeggio
padding. This value seems about right:
\set Staff.fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
\once \override Staff.Arpeggio #'padding = #-0.2
----- Original Message ----- From: "Helge Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lilypond-User" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 8:52 AM
Subject: fingering orientation
I write a piece for harp. I need sometimes fingering information for
the player.
While sometimes fingering above the staff is ok, I need it at the
left side under some circumstances. In the example I want to write
the fingering number for the notes "ces" and "es" at the left side
of the arpeggio, but I did not succeed.
How can I achieve this request?
Best regards,
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