Don't worry about the web application part--my only point there was that I
don't just need to fix the title for this particular .ly file; I need to
write a function to escape (or maybe remove) characters that will prevent
lilypond from parsing the .ly files.  I can deal with these characters on a
case-by-case trial-and-error basis when lilypond fails (since my web app is
setup to email me anytime an error occurs), but if someone knows the details
of what characters will cause problems for lilypond and how to escape them,
that would be really helpful.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:08 AM, Bailey James E. <

> title and composer accept normal text markups. I know nothing about web
> applications, but in a normal lilypond file, if I wanted the composer to be,
> say, "me\you", I would make it composer = \markup "me\you".
> Am 27.10.2008 um 03:33 schrieb Myron Marston:
> I have a web application ( that uses lilypond
> to generate the notation for user's compositions.  The user enters a title
> and their name when they submit the piece to the library at the website, and
> these fields are put directly in the .ly file as the title and composer of
> the piece.  Unfortunately, I had a user type in a piece title using a double
> quote (") and lilypond failed with an error ("syntax error, unexpected
> STRING") because of the extra double quote.  In this case I think it was a
> typo (an apostrophe is certainly what the user meant), but I would like
> lilypond to succeed regardless of the junk the user types in to the title
> and name fields.  I'm thinking I have to escape the text in the title and
> composer in the header section of my .ly file.  I can easily change " to \"
> in the text, but perhaps there are other characters that will cause lilypond
> to fail.
> What is the proper way to escape text in a .ly file?  I looked through the
> manual and this mailing list but couldn't find anything about it.
> Thanks,
> Myron
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