If output of two score blocks is what you want, you can obtain correct
midi file like this (third score block for midi only):
\score {

\score {
<< \Soli \Choir >>

\score {
 << \Soli \Choir >>

Marek Klein

2008/10/27 Martin Frankland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have the same problem. I have an SATB choir with female and male soloists
> on top. I'd like to start the soloists' staffs after the choral intro.
> Everything I've tried so far hasn't worked:
> 1. \startStaff and \stopStaff still display the staffs, but without lines.
> My goal was to save the space of the staffs.
> 2. The Frenched score using \RemoveEmptyStaffContext doesn't work for me
> since the male and female soloists alternate, so it displays only the one
> singing and hides the other one. I want BOTH solo staffs displayed, the one
> with the notes AND the one with rests, otherwise it's hard to read. Can we
> tell Lilypond to hide whole *groups* of staffs that contain only rests?
> 3. I've tried writing the choral intro and the rest of the song as two
> consecutive parts of the score, like this:
> \score {
>  {
>  \ChoirIntro
>  << \Soli \Choir >>
>  }
>  \layout{}
>  \midi{}
> }
> but it doesn't work. The pdf displays the intro correctly followed by some
> kind of empty system.
> The closest thing I've found to a solution was to write two \score blocks,
> like this:
> \score {
> \ChoirIntro
> }
> \score {
> << \Soli \Choir >>
> \layout{}
> \midi{}
> }
> The pdf output is what I want, but the midi is missing the intro. Note that
> the following:
> \score {
> \ChoirIntro
> \layout{}
> \midi{}
> }
> \score {
> << \Soli \Choir >>
> \layout{}
> \midi{}
> }
> outputs the right pdf, but two separate midi files, which is not what I
> want.
> Any help would be much appreciated! My code was compiled with version
> 2.10.33.
> --
> Martin Frankland

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