After installing LilyPond you will have OpenType versions of the fonts
(probably in a directory like .../lilypond/current/fonts/otf), but
they won't work with Finale. This is because the two programs actually
use different sets of glyphs and the two fonts store them under
different character codes. For example, the Finale fonts have separate
glyphs for 'f', 'ff' 'fff', and 'ffff', while LilyPond has a single
'f' symbol that is used to create various dynamic markings.

That said, the GNU license certainly should allow someone to make a
Finale-compatible font using the Feta/Emmentaler fonts as a starting
point, but then you wouldn't get some of the nicer features like the
different relative line weights at different font sizes.


On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Albert Frantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anyone by chance made a TTF version of the beautiful Feta font? It would 
> be
> wonderful to be able to use this font with other programs such as Finale.
> Many thanks,
> Albert
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