2008/10/22 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The following version of your example seems to work
Thank you, Mats.
> (note that \cadenzaOff is equivalent to \set Score.timing = ##f
> whereas \cadenzaOn does a bit more than just setting it
> to true again, see the file property-init.ly).
> \score {
>   \new Staff <<
>       \cadenzaOff
>       \new Voice {
>           c''1
>           \bar "|"\cadenzaOff
>           R1
>           \bar "|"\cadenzaOn
>           c''1
>       }
So, in my case i need smth like this:

 %  some music
 \bar "|"
 % set time for the bar, 7/4 let's say:
 \time 7/4
 % more music

Thank you, I'll try.

>  /Mats

Dmytro O. Redchuk

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