Thank you, James and Daniel, for your suggestions.
You only need to do that if you use <<{\voiceOne}\new Voice
{\voiceTwo}>>\oneVoice, in which case, all of that is necessary for
the same multi-voice construct.
This has dogged me for several weeks and I finally gave up. Now, seeing
the overall structure without notes in it, I think I finally understand.
This will be useful, since I will primarily be setting guitar music,
where inner voices tend to appear and disappear in a seemingly random way.
Much as "one bar per line" is a useful rule, you might find it more
concise to abbreviate the first six bars to
r8 c16 ... |
Timely advice. I'll probably make use of it today on a different project.
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "concert")
By the way, I defined "concert" as 9x12 (inches) in paper.scm, which is
a fairly common page size for music folios in North America (or at least
it used to be). Should this be available in future versions by default?
Here's the line I added under the "North American Sizes" comment in
("concert" . (cons (* 9.0 in) (* 12.0 in)))
Thanks again for the guidance.
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