Terve Ari,

2008/10/8 Ari Torhamo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> It works, it works! Now I can get forward with what I'm doing :-)
> One more thing. I tried to add \lyricsto to the line above, but this
> caused an error message. I'm trying to align the lyrics to the melody,
> so that it wouldn't be necessary to add the durations by hand. Is there
> a way to get this to work with the structure I'm using?

Try modifying the following lines like this:

sopraano = \relative c'' \context Voice = "sopraano" {

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopraano" \sanat

(and of course Trevor's \accept trick.)

This creates a voice context to which you can attach the lyrics.

Just out of curiosity... Are you using PianoStaff for music with
lyrics in purpose instead of e.g. ChoirStaff?


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