
I made some score for my mama for practicing vocals.... How do I get those dynamics in the midi output?

staffSoprano = \new Staff  {
   \time 4/4
       \set Staff.instrumentName="Soprano"
   \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
   \key d \major
   \clef treble
\relative c' { \context Voice = "melodySop" { \dynamicUp % Type notes here
g''1 | fis2 r2 | g4.\ff g8 g4 g4 | g2. g4 | e4.\p e8 fis2 |
cis4. cis8 d4 fis | fis1 | e2 r4 a,4\f | fis'2. fis4 | e2. e8 e | g2 g4 g | fis2. fis8 fis |
g2. g4 | fis8. a16 a8 a fis4 d | a2 r4 e'8\p e | e2. e4 |


   \bar "|."


\score {
>> \midi {

   \layout  {

\paper {

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