
Perhaps you can use the file attached to the following thread as a template:

His posting was asking how to fit the piece on a single page, but his song has lyrics between the staves and each staff has multiple voices on it. Download the file called

To remove the indentation on the first line put this inside your \paper block:


I know you can make the slurs attach to the stem side if you use phrasing slurs and use either ^ or _ to tell it which direction to go:

\relative c' { fis2^\( ~ fis4 g c,\) }

Is that what you mean?

Hope that helps!


Ari Torhamo wrote:

I'm trying to create a score which contains a piano staff, has single
staff polyphony and has lyrics placed between the staves (only one
voice). I have managed to create the staves and the different voices,
but whatever I try I can't get the lyrics to work. I've been struggling
with the lyrics for at least 12 hours, so I wouldn't mind if someone
would help. I've read through the relevant sections of the documentation
time after time, but the examples there don't quite fit into my
This part of the documentation
explains how to place lyrics between the staves, but I haven't managed
to apply the instruction to single staff polyphony.

This page
explains how to do single staff polyphony, but the syntax used to create
the staves is different from the document above, and I haven't been able
to mix the information of these two. I've studied several other pages

So, how do I place the lyrics between the staves? How about two of them?
(I might figure that out myself, after I learn to do one). It would be
nice to know the (structurally) simplest possible way. Or, if some extra
bits would be useful, I'd like to know what the each bit is for (I like
to understand what I do, so that I'm able to apply it to other

Here's the beginning of the score:


\version "2.10.33"

sopraano = \relative c'' { \key g \major \cadenzaOn g4( a) b b a2 gis \bar "|" a4 b c b a gis a1 \bar "|" \break b2 a a a4( gis) a b c2( b) a2. b4\rest \bar "|" \break }

altto = \relative c' { d2( g4) g e2 e e4 g g g e e e1 e2 e e e e4 g g1 e2. }

tenori = \relative c' { \clef bass \key g \major b4( c) d d c2 b c4 d e d c b c1 d2 c c c4( b) c d e2( d) c2. }

basso = \relative c' { g2. g4 a2 e a4 g c, g' a e <a a,>1 <gis gis,>2 <a a,> <a a,> <a a,>4( e) a g c,2( g') a2. d,4\rest }

\score {
   \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff << { \sopraano } \\
         { \altto }
      \new Staff <<
         { \tenori } \\
         { \basso }
>> >>


Perhaps I might take this opportunity to ask another question. Is there
a way to make the first line of the piano score to start from the
beginning of the page, like the other lines?
Oh, and yet another: is it possible to have slurs to be placed between
the tips of the stems, instead of between the note heads? This is how
it's typically done for the music I'm trying to notate.

I'm very grateful for any help.


Ari Torhamo

P.S. Lilypond makes wonderful looking scores (only if making them would
be a little easier :-) (yes, I tried the graphical front ends, but
unfortunately they were too buggy)

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