> From: xpdf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 8:29 PM
> Subject: trouble with slur
> I have troulble with slurs
> http://images42.fotosik.pl/14/dd3d61e7764f8103.jpg
> & my code.
> A.
> Staff = \relative c {
>       \clef bass
>       \key a \major
>       \time 4/4
>       \set doubleSlurs = ##t
>       < e ( cis' > 1 | < e cis' ) > 4 e cis a }
> Where is problem?

The proper term for those is not a slur, but a tie.  Ties are made
with a tilde symbol '~'.

In your example you would write:
   <e cis'>1 ~ | <e cis'>4

I was going to write up a link to documentation about ties, but that
strangely seems missing from the 2.11.60 docs that went up.  I see a
section on "Curves" but only slurs are listed there with a link
someplace about the "nestedness of curves and ties" but I can't find
out if ties are mentioned elsewhere in those new docs. Strange.  Is
that section somewhere else?


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