John Mandereau wrote:
And note that the other Patrick reported that his style was supposed to produce underlined links, (and did on his machine). Has anyone looked into why his CSS doesn't produce the desired underlined links? (BTW Green is my favorite color, so of course I like that aspect of Patrick's CSS.On 2008/09/17, Reinhold Jainhofer wrote:On Sunday 14 September 2008 21:50:36 Patrick McCarty wrote:I agree that the language selection should be included in the footer, but I'm not sure how the buildscript will have to be modified.I'm not sure how to move the lanugage menu into the footer: if we do this, it should be as visible as before, e.g. with normal text size (i.e. bigger than the rest of the footer), or with different colors. As soon as we agree on a formatting sample, I'll modify the buildscript accordingly.Currently, the footer looks bad with Patrick's design on the server, because I have not changed the footer to the HTML structure suggested by Patrick. Is everyone okay to change the footer lines to the following?This page is for LilyPond-2.11.59 (development-branch). Your suggestions for the documentation are welcome, please report errors to our bug list.I approve this. I guess you may use usual Graham's ultimatum formula "Unless anybody complains" in such cases. IMHO I prefer Patrick's design over Andrew, it's more colorful but still serious enough (as Valentin already wrote), and I second Patrick Horgan comment on links color: maybe we could make links a bit more blue? Patrick We might manage to merge both style sheets into one, but let's hurry up if we want this to make it into 2.12.0 ;-) Cheers, John _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list |
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