Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Patrick! It's all working beautifully now.I must say that you are most awesomely cool. How wonderful to find someone that digs in in the best linux/Unix tradition and puts together a string of programs to achieve a desired result. Hats off to you. ... much cool stuff elided... p.s. now that we have a tool with a version number, I might try learning how to write a brief manpage for it. Good idea?A most excellent idea! manedit is your friend. Complete wysiwyg man editor. Its help has a complete and easy tutorial. On ubuntu it's just sudo apt-get install manedit. Since you're doing that I'm adding a -a (about) with your name and mine, some more comments so others can modify it more easily, and will call it version 1.1.1. I also added a -V=viewer, so I could use, for example evince if the output format was ps. N.B. evince doesn't display transparency so if you use it with transparent gifs or pngs you might think the transparency gone, but it's not. One feature it really needs is an ability to handle the situation where the output for is for example, file-page1.png and file-page2.png. You'd have to get a wildcard list of things that matched $STEM*.png and loop over them to do the conversions, then something like $viewer $STEM*.$FORMAT & at the end. That would make it work as it currently does for most things, there'd just be one thing in the list, but still work for the case where there's something there. A generic wildcard is best because someone might have done a #(define output-suffix "blablabla") and we want to support that case too. eog will bring up all the pages and let you page up and page down through them, and evince will bring a a window for each file. There's enough examples in the script so that you could figure out how to do it if you would. We could call it 1.1.2;) If you don't have time let me know and I'll get to it sometime. If you do, change the version in the script, add to the changelog at the top and send me a copy:) Maybe we could donate it to the lilypond project. Patrick |
#!/bin/bash #*****************************************************# # Script for making image files from lilypond source # # suitable for use as musical examples to insert in a # # document or web page. # # Creator - Jonathan Kulp # # Johnny come lately assistant - Patrick Horgan # #*****************************************************# # Change log # # 1.1.1 Added -a, -V and much comments # 1.1 Added checking of return codes so we could # abort if something failed. # 1.0 Initial release #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # setformatlist - gets the list of all the things that # you can convert to #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ setformatlist() { currentdir=`pwd` # Remember our current directory examp=`which ppmtojpeg` # find out where the progs are returnstatus=$? if [ $returnstatus -eq 0 ] ; then OUTDIR="`dirname $examp`" #grab the directory cd $OUTDIR # change to it so we can # find all the programs starting with ppmtoxxxx # and remove the initial part so that we can # figure out what ppms can be converted to ppmtos=`ls ppmto* | sed -n s/ppmto//p` # same for pnmto pnmtos=`ls pnmto* | sed -n s/pnmto//p` # Now combine the two, change the space separated # list into individ line that sort can sort with # -u to throw away duplicates, then change newlines # back to spaces so we have a sorted list without # duplicate of all things we can convert to alltos=`echo $ppmtos $pnmtos | tr " " "\n" | sort -u | tr "\n" " "` fi cd $currentdir # Change back so we don't affect anything } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # usage is called when we're called incorrectly. # it never returns #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ usage() { echo "Usage: " `basename $0` " [-v] [-t] [-rN] [-fFORMAT] filename" echo " -v print version number and quit" echo " -a about - tell about us and exit" echo " -t indicates transparency is desired" echo " -r=N set resolution to N (usually 72-2000)" echo " -f=FORMAT set format to FORMAT one of:" echo " jpeg, png, tiff, gif, pcx, bmp" echo " -V=viewer set image viewer, examp: -V=evince" echo " filename a lilypond file" exit -1 }
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # about - tell about us and exit #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ about() { echo `basename $0` echo " Creator Jonathan Kulp" echo " Johnny-come-lately Patrick Horgan" exit 0 } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set prompt to the prompt you want to give a user # goodvals to the list of acceptable values # call getval # when it returns your value is in outval #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ getval() { flag="notdone" [EMAIL PROTECTED] until [ $flag == "done" ] ; do echo -n $prompt " " read inval if [ A$inval == "A" ] ; then # inval is empty if [ A$default != 'A' ] ; then # default is set to something inval=$default default="" else #inval is empty, no default echo You must enter a value index=0 echo -n "Expecting one of : " while [ "$index" -lt "$elementcount" ] ; do echo -n "${goodvals["$index"]}" " " let index++ done echo fi fi if [ A$inval != "A" ] ; then # inval not empty, either they sent us something # or we got it from the default index=0 while [ "$index" -lt "$elementcount" ] ; do # Walk through list of goodvals to see if we got one if [ ${goodvals[$index]} == $inval ] ; then # Yep! We're done. flag="done" outval=${goodvals[$index]} fi let index++ done if [ $flag != "done" ] ; then # inval not in goodvals, let them know index=0 echo -n "Expecting one of : " while [ "$index" -lt "$elementcount" ] ; do echo -n "${goodvals["$index"]}" " " let index++ done echo fi fi done } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set prompt to the prompt you want to give a user # call getnumval # when it returns your value is in outval #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ getnumval() { flag="notdone" until [ $flag == "done" ] ; do echo -n $prompt " " read inval if [ A$inval == "A" ] ; then # inval is empty if [ A$default != 'A' ] ; then # but default is not, so use it inval=$default default="" else # no inval, no default echo You must enter a value, expecting a positive numeric value fi fi if [ "A"$inval != 'A' ] ; then # inval set either from user or default case $inval in *[^0-9]*) echo "Error: expecting positive numeric value" ;; * ) flag="done" ;; esac fi done outval=$inval } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # validatearg() # set inarg to the value of the argument # set goodvals to the list of acceptable values # set prompt to the error message you'd like to give, # for example "ERROR: bad value for transparency arg" # this routine will append to it, " expecting: " and # the list of values from goodvals, then call usage # to exit #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ validatearg() { flag="notgood" [EMAIL PROTECTED] index=0 if [ "A"$inarg != "A" ] ; then while [ "$index" -lt "$elementcount" ] ; do if [ ${goodvals[$index]} == $inarg ] ; then flag="good" outval=${goodvals[$index]} fi let index++ done fi if [ $flag != "good" ] ; then index=0 echo -n $prompt echo -n " expecting one of : " while [ "$index" -lt "$elementcount" ] ; do echo -n "${goodvals["$index"]}" " " let index++ done echo usage fi } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # getopt_simple - Orig by Chris Morgan, stolen from # the ABS Guide and modified a bit #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ getopt_simple() { until [ -z "$1" ] ; do if [ ${1:0:1} = '-' ] ; then tmp=${1:1} # Strip off leading '-' . . . if [ ${tmp:0:1} = '-' ] ; then tmp=${tmp:1} # Allow double - fi parameter=${tmp%%=*} # Extract name. value=${tmp##*=} # Extract value. eval $parameter=$value else filename=$1 fi shift done } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Our program starts here. This is the equivalent of # our main() #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Give initial defaults to things so we can tell if they # change alltos="" transparency='no' t='no' resolution=0 r=0 format='none' f='none' V='eog' filename="none" version=1.1 setformatlist # Gets list of all image formats we can convert to if [ $returnstatus -ne 0 ] ; then # Apparently none! echo "Sorry, you have to have the netpbm utilities installed to use this." exit 1 fi # process all the options getopt_simple $* if [ "$v" == 'v' ] ; then # version echo `basename $0` version $version exit fi viewer=$V # default to eog if [ "$a" == 'a' ] ; then about fi if [ $filename == "none" ] ; then usage fi if [ $t != 'no' ] ; then # We let them use -t or --transparency, so if they used -t, we shove # the value in $transparency so we don't have to deal with both later transparency=$t fi if [ $transparency != 'no' ] ; then # if transparency is set, make that setting be 'Y' cause that's what # we check for later. transparency='Y' fi # We know $r starts numeric cause we initialize it to 0 if it's not numeric # now the user put something in in not numeric case $r in *[^0-9]*) echo "Error: resolution not numeric"; usage ;; esac if [ $r -ne 0 ] ; then # same as with -t, two versions of args, -r and --resolution resolution=$r fi # Now check resolution for numeric...if it came from -r it has already # been checked, but no harm checking again case $resolution in *[^0-9]*) echo "Error: resolution must be positive numeric"; usage ;; esac if [ $f != 'none' ] ; then # fold -f into --format format=$f fi if [ $format != "none" ] ; then # They set format so check it inarg=$format goodvals=( $alltos ) prompt="Error: format arg incorrect" validatearg fi # get filename from first argument srcfile="`basename $filename`" # get filename without .ly extension STEM="`basename $filename .ly`" # determine output directory OUTDIR="`dirname $filename`" if [[ $resolution -ne 0 ]] ; then echo Resolution set to $resolution dots per inch. RES=$resolution else # ask for output resolution prompt="Enter output resolution in DPI 72, 100, 300, 600, etc...(72): " default=72 getnumval RES=$outval fi # If transparency is not set, then prompt for it if format is not set yet, or # if format is set to one of the ones that supports transparency, i.e. gif, png if [ "$transparency" == 'no' ] ; then if [[ ( "$format" == 'gif') || ( "$format" == 'png' ) || ( "$format" == 'none' ) ]] ; then # only prompt for transparency if format unset or set to gif or png prompt="Transparency? y/N" default="N" goodvals=("y" "Y" "n" "N") getval transparency=$outval fi fi # ask for desired final output format with a lot of complications based on # whether transparency is set. if [[ ( "$transparency" == "Y" ) || ( "$transparency" == "y" ) ]] ; then if [[ ( "$format" != 'gif') && ( "$format" != 'png' ) ]] ; then # if they ask for transparency and format's set to something other # than gif or png we can't procede--it makes no sense, get them to # resolve it. if [[ "$format" != 'none' ]] ; then echo "You ask for transparency which doesn't work with" $format fi prompt="Enter desired output format png, gif (png): " default="png" goodvals=("png" "gif") getval FORMAT=$outval else FORMAT=$format fi else # we know transparency's not Y or y, but make any other value be 'no' # so we only have one thing to check for later transparency="no" # transparency's not set, so if they gave us a format on the command # line use that, else ask them for one. if [[ $format != 'none' ]] ; then echo Output format is $format FORMAT=$format else prompt="Enter desired output format jpeg, png, tiff, gif, pcx, bmp ... (png) : " default='png' goodvals=( $alltos ) getval FORMAT=$outval fi fi cd $OUTDIR # run lilypond on file with png output for further processing... lilypond --format=png -dresolution=$RES $srcfile returnstatus=$? if [ "$returnstatus" -ne 0 ] ; then echo lilypond failed--aborting exit $returnstatus fi # The next commands crop the png file so that # it only includes the example instead of an entire page. # First convert image to pnm for processing with netpbm tools pngtopnm $STEM.png > $STEM.pnm returnstatus=$? if [ "$returnstatus" -ne 0 ] ; then echo pngtopnm failed converting the file to pnm so it could be cropped--aborting exit $returnstatus fi # crop all the white space off pnmcrop -white $STEM.pnm > $STEM-cropped.pnm returnstatus=$? if [ "$returnstatus" -ne 0 ] ; then echo pnmcrop failed--aborting exit $returnstatus fi # Now look for a command to do the final conversion, assume we won't find it... outcmd="invalid" # assume ppmto$FORMAT will be found which >& /dev/null ppmto$FORMAT if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then outcmd=ppmto$FORMAT else # Nope, try pnmto$FORMAT and see if we find that which >& /dev/null pnmto$FORMAT if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then outcmd=pnmto$FORMAT fi fi if [ $outcmd == "invalid" ] ; then # Baboo! Didn't find the command echo "Sorry, can't find a command for that format." exit -1 fi # convert to end format if [[ $transparency != 'no' ]] ; then echo $outcmd -transparent '#ffffff' $STEM-cropped.pnm $outcmd -transparent '#ffffff' $STEM-cropped.pnm > $STEM.$FORMAT else echo $outcmd $STEM-cropped.pnm $outcmd $STEM-cropped.pnm > $STEM.$FORMAT fi returnstatus=$? if [ "$returnstatus" -ne 0 ] ; then echo $outcmd failed converting to final output--aborting exit $returnstatus fi # removes pnm and ps files rm *.pnm if [ $FORMAT != 'ps' ] ; then rm $ fi # open final image as background process in "Eye of Gnome" Image Viewer # or alternate viewer set via the -V argument $viewer $STEM.$FORMAT &
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