It's nice to see the progress with the new docs! I have 3 comments:

1. Is anyone else wanting "breadcrumbs navigation"? So often after
   I've looked something up in the docs, I find myself deep inside
   and if I want to switch from NR to IR, for example, I either need
   to click up the many directory tree links or keep hitting the 
   back button (which follows my typically long, convoluted route in
   reverse), or I need to go to the address bar, highlight and delete
   the "Documentation/user/lilypond/Doubling-a-note-with-slurs-_0..."
   (which can involve scrolling horizontally through the address bar).
   With breadcrumbs, if I'm out on a limb, I can pick exactly which
   branch I'd like to return to with one click.

2. In the new docs, once in the LM or the NR or whatever, there's
   apparently no link back to the main (dir) index/start page. I
   think that's bad, because you should never trust a browser's back
   button. And if an unfamiliar visitor follows a link to an inside
   page, the mysterious elusiveness of the start page could be

3. One thing I especially like, however is that <top, contents, index>
   etc. is at the top AND the bottom of the page. Kudos!

Hope this helps,


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