It would be much better if you could provide a small example to show
what you mean. Also, if you reply-all, then the message goes to the
lilypond list as well, and not just me.
On 17.09.2008, at 19:18, Steven Padalino wrote:
Then that's what 's wrong. I want both sections to be before the
repeat and if I enclose both of them within the same pair of volta
brackets no repeat symbol is displayed on the pdf. If I enclose
only one of the sections within the bracket then the repeat
displays, but obviously only for the one section.
Version 2.10.33 and Win XP SP2, btw.
Subject: Re: Voltas and polyphony
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 18:43:27 +0200
everything within the volta brackets will be before the repeat. If
you want section 2 to be after the repeat, then it needs to come
after the repeat. i.e., \repeat volta 2 { section 1 } \repeat volta
2 { section 2 }
On 17.09.2008, at 17:44, Steven Padalino wrote:
Nuts. I just realized I entered my example wrong. This is how it
should look:
\repeat volta 2 {
<< {notes in section 1} \\ {notes in section 1} >>
<< {notes in section 2} \\ {notes in section 2} >>
Alternative endings are not in my example, but I have used them. In
any case, should the repeat work over those two "sections" or should
the repeated music be in one "section"?
Subject: Re: Voltas and polyphony
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 16:54:21 +0200
On 17.09.2008, at 16:42, Steven Padalino wrote:
I seem to be having trouble making a repeat work over more than one
polyphonic section. For example:
\repeat volta 2 {
<< notes in section 1 >> \\
<< notes in section 1 >>
<< notes in section 2 >> \\
<< notes in section 2 >>
This won't work. I have to put all of the repeated measures within
a single section. Is this correct?
What are you looking to do? This works fine:
\repeat volta 2 {
<< { c'4 b a b }\\{ g2 f } >>
a8 b c' d' e' d' c' b
\alternative {
{ << { d' c' b2 }\\{ a2 f } >> }
{ << { d'2 c' }\\{ a4 b c'2 } >> }
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