Greetings - I'm running LY 2.11.53 under Windows XP SP3.
I've spent 8 or 10 hours trying to puzzle this out, unsuccessfully. I'm trying to print out sets of tunes (similar to an etude book), with the name of the set and the performers at the top of page one, with the name of the tune and the meter flush right above the tune itself (without the name of the set and the performers repeating over each tune), and with no tune running over onto a second page unless the tune itself is longer than one page. I've got two tunes here, and I can't figure out how to get the setup to work. I also get a funny error message and a barcheck warning. I'm also attaching the log file and the pdf. Thanks for your help, Ralph %%%%%%%%%% BEGIN SNIPPET %%%%%%%%% % Kings Set, as played by Natalie & Buddie MacMaster" \version "2.11.53" \include "" %\include "" %\include "" %\include "" KingGeorgeIV = \new Staff { \time 4/4 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'stencil = ##f \tempo 4 = 100 % \set Staff.instrumentName="Violin" \set Staff.midiInstrument="violin" \key a \minor \clef treble \relative c'' { % A part \partial 8 a8 e16 a,8. a b16 c8. b16 a16 a'8. | } } OldKingsReel = \new Staff { \time 2/2 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'stencil = ##f \tempo 4 = 100 % \set Staff.instrumentName="Violin" \set Staff.midiInstrument="violin" \key a \minor \clef treble \relative c'' { % A part \partial 8 a8 | e16 a,8. a8 b a4 a8 a' | } } \paper { printallheaders = ##t } \book { % Title of set. \header { title = "Kings Set" subtitle = "Natalie & Buddie MacMaster" } % 1st tune \score { { \KingGeorgeIV } \layout { indent = #0 } % Title of this tune \header { poet = "King George IV" meter = "Strathspey" } } % 2nd tune \score { { \OldKingsReel } \layout { indent = #0 } % Title and meter of this tune. \header { poet = "Old King's Reel" meter = "Reel" } } \layout { \context { % Prevent tunes from printing on two pages. \Score \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'page-break-permission = ##f \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } } %%%%%%%%%% END SNIPPET %%%%%%%%% -- Ralph Palmer Greenfield, MA USA [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kings set test.log
Description: Binary data
Kings set test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
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