1. Is it possible to put a slight slope on beams which Lilypond defaults to 
engraving as flat? I've found out how to flatten a sloped beam but not the 
reverse. Where I've got a whole page of arpeggiated 16th notes, I think it 
looks better to have them all slightly sloping than flat.

2. I'm trying to put some guitar barring indications into a piece. I found a 
piece on the Mutopia web site with what I wanted (Adelita by Tarrega - 
http://www.mutopiaproject.org/cgibin/make-table.cgi?Composer=TarregaF), but 
when I copied the relevant sections into my source, instead of the proper 
barring indication I just get a dotted line at the point where the indication 
should be. I tested the Mutopia source adelita.ly file with Lilypond 2.11.58 on 
my XP machine and got the same problem with the barring being replaced with 
dotted lines, so I'm not sure what is causing this. I've attached a couple of 
images, one showing the part of the Adelita PDF file that I downloaded from 
Mutopia and the other showing the same part of the PDF file generated on my 
machine from the Mutopia source file.


<<attachment: adelita-ok.png>>

<<attachment: adelita-bad.png>>

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