
I wonder if anyone could help me with the following problem.  The relevant
score is here: 
Grace+Note+Spacing.pdf .

The first system is without strict-grace-spacing.  It leaves an ugly gap in
the lower staff between the last B-flat demisemiquaver and the quaver C.  In
the second system, I turn strict-grace-spacing on, which fixes up the
spacing in the lower staff.  However, the E-flat accidental in the grace
notes in the first staff is now obscured.

Any ideas how to fix this?  Any advice would be much appreciated.

My Lilypond source follows.


Garry :)

\version "2.11.57"
\include "english.ly"

theMusic =
  \new Staff \relative c
    r4 \grace { bf'16[ c d ef] } f4~ f2
  \new Staff \relative c
    f32 a c ef f g a bf c8 r r2 

\new Score

\new Score \with 
  \override SpacingSpanner #'strict-grace-spacing = ##t

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