b wrote:
Hi list.
I'm a beginner in lilypond (and sheet music). Just started typing in a
piece. Everything is fine - except for the last couple of measures.
I've been all around searching all documentation and this list.
However, I still have some problems. I'd be thankful if any of you
experts would help me out.
Wow! The spacing in the original wasn't quite right, but the lilypond
version is much worse and looks horrible!
The original looks like this:
I have some questions regarding this bit:
1) It took me almost like forever, to get the cross staff slurs to
render. I'm quite sure there must be an easier way to mark them up. Any
of you have an idea?
2) I cannot get the coda above the first bar? (couldn't get the
3) Whenever I put in some markup for the "L.H" and "R.H" - the slurs
renders wrong.
4) The last ottava; is it possible discard the dashed lines and just
letting it show up as "8va"?
Thanks for your help!
/B :)
--- 8< ---
\version "2.11.57"
upper = \relative c''
\clef treble
\key e \minor
\time 6/8
%% s1*0\mark \markup {\musicglyph #"scripts.coda" }
<b e g>4\arpeggio \fermata
<a dis fis>\arpeggio \fermata
<g b e>\arpeggio \fermata |
r8. \change Staff = "lower" r8. \change Staff="upper" r8. \change
Staff="lower" r8. \change Staff = "upper" |
e16^([g b]
e[g b])
\ottava #1
<e, g b e>4.\arpeggio _\fermata
\ottava #0
lower = \relative c
\clef bass
<b e>4\arpeggio _\fermata
<b dis>\arpeggio _\fermata
<b e>\arpeggio _\fermata |
e,16^([ g b] \change Staff = "upper" e16 [g b])
\change Staff = "lower"
e, 16([g b] \change Staff = "upper" e16 [g b])
\change Staff = "lower"
r8. r8. r8. r8. |
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\new Staff = "upper" \upper
\new Staff = "lower" \lower
\layout { }
--- 8< ---
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